Euroa Working Group – meeting summary March 2021
ARTC is committed to keeping the Euroa community informed as to the planning and progress of Inland Rail in the communities we work in. The Euroa Working Group held its latest meeting on Wednesday 3 March 2021.
March 29, 2021

The meeting was independently chaired and attended by 11 of the 12 local community representatives, including two nominated by Strathbogie Shire Council – Cr. Sally Burke-Hayes and Cr. Kristy Hourigan.
We also welcomed Stephanie Swift. representing the Euroa Business Chamber, to the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to present the draft Urban Design Framework (UDF) for Euroa. Representatives from the ARTC-appointed consultants, AECOM and members of the ARTC project team were in attendance to outline the draft UDF and address key questions posed by Working Group members.
At the opening of the meeting, the following members submitted their resignation from the Working Group:
- Edwina Thomson
- Shirley Saywell
- Nola Dudley
- Ann Mahon.
The remaining Working Group members acknowledged the significant contribution each member had made since the Group was formed.
The Group also acknowledged the important role of robust discussion and diverse views when considering projects, such as Inland Rail. At this time, it was agreed that the meeting should be formally closed and that the Working Group take a pause to consider future options.
At the close of the formal meeting, members requested that the presentation from AECOM on the draft UDF for Euroa continue in the format of a general session only and not as a formal agenda item of the Working Group.
Locally, the UDF aims to capture the key values and attributes that need to be incorporated into any proposed design solution for the Euroa station precinct.
The draft objectives discussed can be summarised as:
- Connection for community and people movement
- Visual presence – that any structures enhance rather than detract
- Amenity allowing for comfortable use
- Heritage – respecting and honouring what is already here
- Safety – both reality and perception
- Environmentally sustainable design, future proofing.
ARTC have hosted several sessions in recent weeks and are inviting the community to continue to provide their feedback on the draft UDF.
Interested community members and stakeholders can visit the Inland Rail website or attend our pop up shop at LILI Binney Street. Euroa to learn more about the UDF and how you can have your say.
To learn more about the Euroa Working Group and to read the minutes of previous meetings, visit
Got feedback or want to know more? Pre-register to attend one of our community consultation sessions or online forums in April 2021. Email; call 1800 732 761 or visit our website for more information.
The Australian Government is delivering Inland Rail through the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), in partnership with the private sector.