Groundwater bore survey and flooding images
The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is undertaking a groundwater bore survey for properties that may be impacted by the Calvert to Kagaru (C2K) project of the Inland Rail program.
May 4, 2022

The purpose of the bore survey is to understand the potential project impacts and how to mitigate those impacts accordingly. We are seeking community input to assist us with this important work.
We would like to understand if groundwater bores (registered or unregistered) are located on properties within the C2K Project Study area.
Community members have the option of either downloading and completing the survey or providing the same information on the online interactive groundwater bore map and marking bore locations using the following easy steps:
- Find the location of your bore/s on the map
- Click the ‘Bore location marker’ button
- Drag and zoom to position the marker and click ‘Place Marker Here’
- Enter your name and details and click ‘Submit’.
If you have any questions about the groundwater bore survey, please contact the Stakeholder Engagement Team on 1800 732 761.
Flooding pictures/videos
In addition to the groundwater bores, we want to understand how properties were impacted by the recent rain events and incorporate any new information such as new peak flow levels into the Project’s design.
We are requesting any photos and videos that may have been taken that show the highest levels reached during the floods or the peak flow debris mark. This can be provided by either:
- uploading the files via the ARTC’s secure file sharing portal. Please type in your email address, ‘Flooding images’ in the ‘Subject’ field, attach the images and videos using the green ‘Add Files’ button and send; or
- adding a comment on the C2K project interactive map using the ‘Flooding comment’ marker. Add details and attach photos.
You can also call us on 1800 732 761 and speak to project advisors to provide the same details or ask any questions you have.