Inland Rail boosts mobile phone coverage in Northern NSW
‘Can you hear me?’. It’s a familiar call amongst communities along the Narrabri to North Star section of the Inland Rail alignment, but one that will soon be met with a resounding ‘Yes I can!’ as mobile coverage in the area is improved.
May 17, 2022

Plans are underway to expand community telecommunications infrastructure around four townships between Gurley and North Star. Work is slated to begin later this year and if all goes to plan, locals will see and hear, improvements by mid-2023.
After a detailed feasibility study late last year, Telstra recently confirmed they will build a new radio base station in North Star, a new small cell in Croppa Creek, upgrade the existing base station in Gurley and build a new radio base station in Crooble.
The work, which is funded by Inland Rail and will be delivered by Telstra, will ensure more reliable coverage for locals and increase amenity for visitors to the area, leaving a positive legacy for communities once Inland Rail construction is finished.
Telstra will manage the ongoing operations and maintenance once the infrastructure has been upgraded.
IMAGE: Man talking on a mobile phone in a wheat field