Moree NDIS service provider benefits from Inland Rail funding

Gwydir Industries Incorporated (GII) recently received funding from Inland Rail’s Community Sponsorships and Donations program to support maintenance works that will keep an essential recycling service running and local people with disability employed.

Cotton plastic in Gwydir industries truck ready to be pressed

The funding will help GII repair a hydraulic press that prepares plastic for recycling as part of the organisation’s cotton plastic recycling scheme. Since a key machine component failed about a year ago, GII employees have been using another press to process plastic and cardboard, which resulted in inefficient double handling.

The recycling scheme has been running for three years and this year processed more than 696 tonnes of cotton plastic from three local gins, as well as other clear plastic from 20 businesses in the region.

Gwydir Industries Incorporated General Manager Antoinette McNamara said:

“For every tonne of cotton plastic that is recycled about 0.7 cubic meters of landfill space is saved, extending the lives of our landfill sites.

“Our recycling service helps keep Moree industry moving, with staff sorting through tonnes of collected cotton plastics, cardboard, and paper to ensure it doesn’t end up in landfill.”

GII, a registered National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS) service provider, offers a workplace and support to people with mild to moderate intellectual and/or physical disabilities in the Moree area. At the time of writing, GII employed 18 people with a disability plus five support staff.

“GII is committed to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities by offering employment opportunities where individuals are trained in a work environment, building confidence and dignity, developing personal skills and earning respect in the wider community,” Antoinette said.

“On behalf of all at Gwydir Industries we would like to thank Inland Rail for their generous donation. This money also enables Gwydir Industries to continue our ongoing efforts to improve the quality of work life of adults with a disability in Moree and the district.”

Inland Rail’s Community Sponsorships and Donations program has now issued more than $1 million in funding for community groups across the entire Inland Rail alignment, with 19 organisations in the Narrabri to North Star region receiving grants in the latest funding round.

Inland Rail offers funding between $1000–$4000 for individuals and organisations in regional areas along the Inland Rail route that contribute to local and regional prosperity, wellbeing and sustainability. Nominations for the next round of funding are open now until Tuesday 31 January 2023.

Click here to find out more information and how to apply.

IMAGE: Cotton plastic in Gwydir industries truck ready to be pressed.
