Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 project update June 2022
We’re working to finalise the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as well as continuing property access discussions with individual landowners along the alignment.
June 28, 2022

As part of the EIS assessment process, we are providing the project’s draft EIS to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) for their review before formal submission. We do this to assure DPE that all key issues have been addressed and the EIS documents provide enough clarity and rigour for the community, and other stakeholders, to understand the possible effects of the proposal.
As we finalise the project’s reference design for approvals and transition into detailed design, we will continue to keep the community informed of any additional potential impacts and mitigations, including potential impacts to surface water and flooding patterns, once this section of Inland Rail is operational.
When this work is completed, the EIS will be placed on public exhibition for comment via formal submissions. Our Stakeholder and Engagement team will also inform and engage the community about the EISs findings through a variety of channels.
Please tell us how you want to be engaged by completing a short three-question survey. Click here to start.
Koala populations survey
In the coming months, researchers working on behalf of Inland Rail will be studying koala populations along the project alignment. People may notice field teams of two researchers looking for sightings and evidence of koalas. The teams will be assisted by koala detection dogs trained to smell and detect koala scat.
The study aims to identify koala populations and capture data about existing levels of gene flow and the current health of populations along the alignment.
These insights will be used to inform the project’s koala management plan and enable our project team and construction contractor to develop solutions that can protect and support sustainable koala populations during and post construction.
Early works commencing in September
The first early works are likely to begin in September, including geotechnical investigations, site surveys and investigations to locate utilities. These activities will be performed by our preferred contractor prior to full construction commencing, once all approvals are obtained. Where possible, we will carry out work on crown land or road reserves.
Where we may need to access private property, we will seek to obtain the prior consent of landowners. We thank all landowners for their continued patience and assistance during these investigations.
IMAGE: Stakeholder Engagement Lead Isabella Hall from Wallangra (on the right) and Stakeholder Engagement Advisor Lauren Marer from Yallaroi (on the left) are the project’s key representatives in the community