Narromine to Narrabri project update December 2023
In our final update of the year, we look back on recent work, recap 2023 highlights and preview the list of activities planned for 2024. It has been a busy year on the project and there is plenty in store for the next.
December 19, 2023

Approvals update
We’re now in the final stages of our Australian Government approvals pathway. We’ve responded to requests for additional information and discussed draft conditions of approval with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). A decision from DCCEEW is expected in early 2024.
Geotechnical investigations
Geotechnical Investigations (GI), which have been occurring since mid-October on the alluvial plain between the Namoi River and Narrabri Creek, wrap up this week for a short festive season break.
Crews didn’t encounter anything unexpected (phew) with samples confirming soil layer widths and rock depths. This is essential information that will help refine the design of the Narrabri viaduct.
Inland Rail engineers and our GI contractor Macquarie Geotech return on 9 January 2024 to finish the borehole drilling program in the Narrabri area. In late January the team will head south to complete similar investigations near Narromine.
2023 year in review
It’s been a busy year behind the scenes, with a focus on work that supports the approval process, refinement of project design and rail corridor acquisition. Some of our highlights are:
- Achieved NSW Government environmental approval (February)
- Completed 840 hours of Geotechnical Investigations in Narrabri
- Commenced cadastral surveys at 85 alignment properties
- Completed 130+ days of ecology surveys
- Supported 13 local agricultural shows
- Improved regional mobile phone coverage by delivering two new mobile base stations in Mount Tenandra and Kickabil, in partnership with Telstra
Coming up in 2024
After a short break, we will return in early 2024 to continue progressing the Narromine to Narrabri project.
Land access and acquisition discussions will be a priority as we look to secure the Inland Rail corridor along the Narromine to Narrabri alignment.
We’ll also be working with Telstra to install a third new mobile base station at Black Hollow, 60km east of Coonamble.
Key upcoming technical investigations and site studies in 2024 include:
- Biodiversity surveys
- Cultural Heritage assessments and focused First Nations engagement
- More Geotechnical Investigations in the rail corridor
- Utility field surveys
- Baseline monitoring for groundwater, air and surface water
- Borrow pit geotechnical and biodiversity investigations
- Progress refinement of the project design.
Image caption: Drilling rig on the alluvial plain in Narrabri.