Narwonah Materials Distribution Centre early works take shape

Our Rail Corridor Program contractor Martinus has made a solid start with early works underway on the Narwonah Materials Distribution Centre (MDC) site, located 8km south of the Narromine township.

October 11, 2022

Aerial view of the Narwonah site

The main section of this aerial image shows how material is being used within the site, while the curved ‘road’ at the bottom of the image is where the haul road down to the rail yard will be constructed.

The Narwonah MDC site is one of two locations identified to service the future installation of ballast, sleepers, rail, and turnouts along sections of the Inland Rail alignment from Narromine north into Queensland. The other proposed MDC site is at Whetstone, near the QLD / NSW border.

The Narwonah MDC site is the largest proposed site of its kind in the southern hemisphere. Spanning 4km2 in area, it will process 675,000 concrete sleepers, more than 45,000 tonnes of new rail and more than 500,000 tonnes of ballast.

When operational, the MDC will allow Martinus to install roughly 368km of new track infrastructure between Narromine and the NSW / QLD border.

Martinus will deploy around 100 people at the peak of construction and operation of the MDC and will install sections of new track as civil construction works for part of the Narromine to Narrabri project are completed.

October 11, 2022
