Temporary changes to Moree Xplorer timetable

From 1 April 2022 until 1 November 2022, our contractor Trans4m Rail will take possession of the rail line between Narrabri North and Penneys Lane, north of Bellata, to enable major construction works.

As a result, all rail traffic between Moree and Narrabri, including the Moree Xplorer train service to Sydney, will temporarily cease from 1 April to 1 November 2022.

During this possession period, the Xplorer will terminate in Narrabri overnight at the stabling facility. Passengers travelling on to Moree will be transported for the remainder of the journey by coach.

A copy of the temporary Xplorer timetable for that section of the journey is below:

Services CLK 4412 and 4414 Services CLK 4311 and 4313
Station Train departs Proposed Coach 1 departs Proposed Coach 2 departs Station Train departs Proposed Coach 1 departs Proposed Coach 2 departs
Moree Station 8:05am 7:15am 7:20am Narrabri Station 4:52pm 5:02pm 5:07pm
Bellata Bus Stop 8:36am 7:55am Bellata Bus Stop 5:23pm 5:40pm
Narrabri Station 9:10am 9am 9am Moree Station 6pm 6:25pm 6:25pm