Broadford soil testing

From July to August 2023, specialist contractors will conduct soil testing in various locations to inform the design of the proposed bridge replacements in Hamilton Street, Short Street and Marchbanks Road.



July 2023 - August 2023

Working hours

7am – 6pm weekdays


Hamilton Street, Ferguson Street, Short Street, Rupert Street, Catherine Court, Marchbanks Road and High Street

  • Broadford
Local Government Area
  • Mitchell Shire Council

Work being done

Testing will occur in both the rail corridor and within the road reserve on Hamilton Street, Ferguson Street, Short Street, Rupert Street, Catherine Court, Marchbanks Road and High Street.

Depending on the depth required and access to the site either a mobile drill rig towed by a car or a two-person crew with hand augers will be used to bore small holes in the ground (about 5-10cm diameter) and collect samples.

Prior to works starting, the ground will be scanned to locate any unknown underground services. If services are located, contractors will conduct non-destructive water bore drilling to locate services and map the site.

Residents and motorists are asked to take care and observe all traffic management instructions and signage.

What can I expect?

  • Increased activity in the rail corridor
  • Traffic management and signage around work sites located in the road reserve
  • Reduced road speeds near the works in the road reserve
  • Mobile machinery and equipment operating onsite and accessing the rail corridor via nearby local roads and reserves
  • Nearby residents can expect some bore hole drilling noise during daylight hours
  • The drilling process will create small holes in the ground which will be filled in at the completion of the works.

Machinery used

  • small drill rig or hand auger,
  • support vehicles,
  • traffic management equipment and
  • signage.

How we’re managing impacts

  • works will occur in daylight hours
  • traffic management will be in place to ensure safe access for all road users
  • mobile drilling equipment will ensure property access can be maintained upon request.


Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we carry out these works.

Phone: 1800 732 761


Post: 39 Bakehouse Road, Kensington VIC 3031

Soil sampling sites associated with the Hamilton Street bridge replacement

Map showing the Broadford soil testing sites with the Hamilton Street bridge replacement

Soil sampling sites associated with the Short Street bridge replacement

Map showing the Broadford soil testing sites with the Short Street bridge replacement

Soil sampling sites associated with the Marchbanks Road bridge replacement

Map showing the Broadford soil testing sites with the Marchbanks Road bridge replacement
