Cultural heritage investigations, Marchbanks Road bridge, Broadford, May 2024
Inland Rail is undertaking cultural heritage surveys to inform the project's Cultural Heritage Management Plans.
Work being done
Cultural heritage surveys involve walking over the proposed area to identify cultural heritage sites and objects. In some locations, archaeological investigations (also known as test pits) may also be undertaken.
The surveys subject to this notification will all be in the road or rail reserve.
Specialist heritage advisors along with the Registered Aboriginal Party will undertake the surveys and any finds will be registered on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register.

Approximate works area.
What can I expect?
- Surveying in the road and rail reserve
- Traffic management and signage around work sites located in the road reserve
- Reduced road speeds near the works in the road reserve.
Investigations will occur between 7am-5pm Monday to Friday during May 2024.
Residents and motorists are asked to take care and observe all traffic management instructions and signage.
Machinery used
Test-pits will be dug manually with a shovel. There will also be support vehicles, traffic management equipment and signage.
How we’re managing impacts
- Works will occur in daylight hours
- Traffic management will be in place to ensure safe access for all road users
- Test pits will be reinstated with top-soil.
Phone: 1800 732 761
Post: 39 Bakehouse Road, Kensington VIC 3031
Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we carry out these works.