Helidon to Forest Hill geotechnical investigations
From April to August 2023, our construction partner Regionerate Rail will undertake geotechnical investigations in the Helidon to Forest Hill area.

Work being done
Investigation findings will inform ongoing design refinements for the Gowrie to Kagaru section of Inland Rail.
What’s happening?
- Investigations will occur Monday to Friday, between 6:30am and 6:30pm with high noise activities to occur between 9:00am and 4:00pm.
- Technicians will use a drill rig to conduct the investigations.
- Existing access tracks will be used (where possible) to allow drill rig access to site.
- If required minimal clearing and earthworks will be done to create access tracks to the location.
- Boreholes will be drilled using a drill rig and will be approximately 100mm in diameter with depths of up to 50m for proposed bridge locations and up to 250m for tunnel locations.
What are geotechnical investigations?
- These investigations provide information and data on soil and rock types in and around the proposed Inland Rail alignment. Investigations will occur on public land, private property, and road reserves.
- Investigations on private property will be arranged with individual landowners and all investigations are weather permitting.
What can I expect?
- Vehicle and machinery movements, including truck mounted drill rigs and excavators with support vehicles
- Technicians on-site operating excavation and drilling equipment
- Equipment left at investigation sites overnight
- Potential temporary footpath, verge and lane closures in traffic-controlled areas with minimal disruption
- Traffic management will be in place to minimise disruption.
Machinery used
- Bulldozer
- Bobcat excavator
- Slasher
- Drill rig
- Support vehicles (ute)
How we’re managing impacts
- Flags (or similar) will demarcate investigation sites
- For the safety of our workers and the public, minor traffic control measures will be in place in locations where work is adjacent to live traffic. This will see temporary reductions in speed limits through use of on the ground traffic control and signage and footpath, verge and lane closures.
Phone: 1800 732 761
Email: inlandrailqld@artc.com.au
Post: Inland Rail, GPO Box 2462, Brisbane QLD 4001