Site investigations at Daroobalgie

Between 4 and 22 December 2023, work crews will excavate test pits for future under rail bores and conduct potholing investigations to locate existing utility services. 



04 December 2023 - 22 December 2023

Working hours

7am to 6pm Monday to Friday


Within the existing rail corridor near Daroobalgie Road and Hoopers Road

  • Daroobalgie
Local Government Area
  • Forbes

Work being done

Work crews will excavate test pits for future under rail bores and conduct potholing investigations to locate existing utility services.

Sites access roads used

Work crews will access sites via Daroobalgie Road and Hoopers Road.

Investigations will occur within the existing rail corridor. Site access will be via local roads and existing access tracks wherever possible.

What can I expect

  • Noise from general construction equipment
  • Properties that may potentially be noise affected by these investigations will be notified individually.

Machinery used

5T, 13T excavator, tipper truck, Vac truck, tool truck, hand compactor

How we’re managing impacts

  • Access to residential properties will be maintained at all times.
  • Mitigation measures will be in place for works generating noise or dust.
  • Works will be completed during standard hours and scheduled to reduce impacts where possible.


Phone: 1800 929 244


Post: Inland Rail, GPO Box 14, Sydney NSW 2001

Map showing investigative work sites at Daroobalgie in December 2023
