Wyndham Avenue gas main relocation
Between 21 March to 7 April 2023, utility contractors will undertake early works on ARTC Inland Rail’s behalf to relocate gas services in the vicinity of Wyndham Avenue, Forbes.
What can I expect?
- Construction machinery and equipment operating on site
- Delivery of materials and equipment to site
- Temporary service interruptions may be required
- Impacted residents will be notified in advance
- Mitigation measures will be in place for works generating noise or dust.
Machinery used
- Small and large trucks,
- water cart,
- vacuum trucks,
- hand tools,
- excavators,
- directional drilling/boring machine,
- light vehicles.
How we’re managing impacts
- Traffic controls will be in place at each street and property access will be maintained for all impacted residents
- Some of these works may be noisy. If deemed necessary, mitigation measures will be in place during the works.
Phone: 1800 732 761
Email: inlandrailnsw@artc.com.au
Post: ARTC Inland Rail, GPO Box 14, Sydney NSW 2000
Construction works locations – Wyndham Avenue, Forbes