NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie Site surveys and utilities investigations, July – October 2024
From July to October 2024, Inland Rail will undertake site surveys and utilities investigations at various locations, including Yelarbon, between the NSW/Qld Border and Whetstone in Qld.
Work being done
Data from these activities will help determine the final scope and cost of constructing this section.
These investigations do not mean approval has been given for major construction to begin on the Border to Gowrie section of Inland Rail.
Planned investigations:
- Detailed surveys – to map features and details of the landscape
- Ground truthing surveys – to confirm existing aerial data
- LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) surveys to obtain topographical information to assist hydrology modeling using a drone
- Floor level surveys to assist in understanding potential hydrology impacts
- Utilities investigations to confirm the location of existing utilities.
Investigation locations:
- Drone, LiDAR and floor level surveys will occur around Yelarbon.
- Utilities surveys will occur along the roadside and in the rail corridor between the NSW/Qld Border and Whetstone.
What can I expect?
- Changed traffic conditions and reduced speed limits where work is near public roads.
- Light vehicle movements and contractors with survey equipment travelling along the roadside, rail corridor and in the community.
- Aerial survey activity over Yelarbon using a drone.
Machinery used
- Light vehicles
- Topographic survey equipment including total station, GPS receiver, laser rangefinder, level, and tripod
- Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs) or drones
- Vacuum truck for small ground excavations.
How we're managing impacts
- Traffic management will be in place to ensure safe access for all road users.
- Reduced road speeds in the vicinity of investigation areas.
- Regular contact with impacted landowners to discuss site activity and any land access requirements.
- Specific community-wide communication for drone surveys.
What if work is postponed?
Work can sometimes be postponed at short notice depending on weather and other factors.
We will let impacted residents know in advance if work needs to be rescheduled.
Phone: 1800 732 761
Email: inlandrailqld@inlandrail.com.au
Visit: 143-145 Margaret Street, Toowoomba, QLD
Thank you for your patience and cooperation while these works are carried out.