Our ambition is to:

  • increase the number of skilled local people eligible for work on Inland Rail
  • increase school student awareness and capability
  • create opportunities for local businesses to participate in new supply chains
  • equip Inland Rail employees with world-class skills

We do this through our Inland Rail Skills Academy.

Our Academy works with industry partners to deliver programs that build skills and prosperity in our local communities, regions and around Australia.

Grand Opportunities ‘virtual work experience’

The Grand Opportunities program, delivered by the Inland Rail Skills Academy in partnership with Grandshake, is helping to shape the next generation of rail and other professionals in STEM careers.

The program for secondary school students brings together schools, industry professionals and parents to give students the opportunity to build real skills and experiences. Students complete virtual work experience through a series of online courses at their own pace to gain a micro-credential in a STEM-related field.

Inland Rail is offering students six virtual work experiences in digital engineering, civil construction, sustainability, electrical technician, systems and signals operator, and environmental planner, to showcase careers in rail construction and operations.

These experiences are available to all secondary students and schools in our alignment communities and beyond.

Sign up for the program

Become a partner school

Scholarships for regional undergraduate students

The Inland Rail Scholarships Program provides real-world education opportunities for regional students considering an undergraduate degree at:

  • University of Southern Queensland (QLD)
  • Charles Sturt University (NSW)
  • La Trobe University (VIC).

Each worth up to $20,000, our scholarships are a great way to start your career in industries that will directly contribute to the prosperity of your local community.

First Nations people and those experiencing financial hardship are particularly encouraged to apply.

Workshops for STEM students and professional development for teachers

Primary and secondary schools will participate in a range of hands-on experiential-style workshops that aim to inspire learning and career paths in the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) sector.

Professional development will also be offered to teachers to build their skills in teaching STEM subjects.

Skills training – rail construction, operations and rail maintenance

Young people and interested community members will be assisted to gain industry accreditation, which could lead to employment on Inland Rail construction sites or working in operational rail.

Opportunities for local businesses

Small-to-medium enterprises in the regions along the alignment are receiving expert advice on integrating into major project supply chains. They’re also being provided with opportunities to build capability and supply chain readiness to meet the requirements of major projects.

Specialist training for our Inland Rail employees

Our Academy will focus on supporting employees to deliver the Inland Rail project. Training programs will become available for employees to develop skills and capability in areas relevant to their role.

Find out more

For more information about the Inland Rail Skills Academy or how to apply for a scholarship, please phone 1800 732 761 or email irskillsacademy@artc.com.au

Image thumbnail for Inland Rail Skills Academy fact sheet

Inland Rail Skills Academy fact sheet

Inland Rail will significantly contribute to the communities and regions along the alignment during its construction, by creating opportunities for education, training and skills development and employment. This additional value of Inland Rail will be realised through the Inland Rail Skills Academy.

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