Building a sustainable future

Inland Rail is a reliable, sustainable and smart choice for Australia’s supply chain.

As our population and consumer needs continue to grow, we need rail to connect industry, manufacturers and producers to markets more efficiently. One 1,800m double-stacked freight train can carry the same amount of freight as 110 B-Double trucks. By sharing the freight load, we will reduce congestion on our roads and lower carbon emissions.

Our commitment to sustainability

We aim to create long-term value and deliver Inland Rail with the best possible outcomes for local communities, the economy and the natural environment.

Seven key objectives and associated targets drive our performance at both program and project level. Our aim is to continually improve over time. Inland Rail publicly reports on our performance to stakeholders and the community in annual sustainability reports. Our key focus areas are:

  • leadership and governance
  • community and economy
  • environment and heritage
  • resource use
  • sustainable procurement
  • future operations.
Workers are seen at the construction site of the Inland Rail between Parkes and Narromine, New South Wales.

Annual Sustainability Report 2022-2023

This is the fifth annual sustainability report for Inland Rail, reporting on environmental, social and economic benefits realised during the 2022-2023 financial year and progress against key sustainability objectives and targets.

Download PDF

Infrastructure Sustainability certification

We are members of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council, the peak body for infrastructure sustainability. The Infrastructure Sustainability Council administers the Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) rating scheme through which Inland Rail has registered for a program rating.

The rating scheme evaluates the design, construction and operation of all our assets. Achieving an IS certification for each constructed project provides third party assurance that our sustainability claims are genuine and that we are delivering sustainable rail infrastructure.

View our registered projects on the Infrastructure Sustainability Council website:

Parkes to Narromine

Narrabri to North Star Phase 1

Stockinbingal to Parkes

Our Environment and Sustainability Policy sets out the practical measures we are taking to drive sustainable outcomes for the design and construction of Inland Rail.


View our Environment and Sustainability Policy

Our Sustainable Procurement Policy outlines our commitment to work with our supply chain to deliver measurable sustainability outcomes.


View our Sustainable Procurement Policy

Sustainability in rail

View a short video to see how we were able to reuse 300,000 tonnes of material in the construction of Inland Rail between Parkes and Narromine, NSW.

We encourage and support our suppliers to maintain strong sustainability practices