Meet the newest member of our team, Nat Woods

Late last year our Goondiwindi team moved into new office space at 28 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi, which is better suited for community drop-ins. Greeting visitors is our newest team member and a well-known and respected Goondiwindi local, Nat Woods.

A woman stands in the open doorway of an office.

Nat Woods at Inland Rail’s Goondiwindi office.

Until you can pop in to meet her in person, here’s a small introduction to the always affable Nat.

Have you always lived in Goondiwindi? I moved here with my husband in 2003… 22 years later I am almost, almost a local!

What did you do before you started with Inland Rail? I have been a Personal Assistant in various organisations for most of my career. I worked at Suncorp in the Agribusiness sector, and with the Wagner family for several years. Today I balance three roles – this amazing opportunity and am still assisting local Councillor Julia Spicer in her business at Engage and Create Consulting, on top of mum duties to three older sons.

What motivated you to join Inland Rail? I was lucky enough to share the old office space with some of the Inland Rail Goondiwindi staff and had a great experience with them and the project. I was looking for a new challenge and knew I could build my skillset within Inland Rail.

What has your experience been like so far? I have been a sponge, absorbing all the program and local project knowledge. This is a large, complex undertaking so there is a lot to learn! My new colleagues have been so warm and welcoming, making the experience even more enjoyable.

What do you think the benefits of Inland Rail are to Goondiwindi and the wider community? The project forecasts economic growth and many job opportunities within the local community. The enhanced transportation will allow our already thriving region to connect more efficiently to major markets across Australia and the world.

How would you describe the Inland Rail Program in three words? Innovative, transformative and ambitious.

What do you hope to achieve in your role? I’m keen to support the existing team and help create a welcoming, accessible office environment that will encourage open communication and transparency across the region.

What do you love about Goondiwindi? Goondiwindi really is a vibrant regional gem! I love the blend of young and old generations, creating a community full of warm, open minded and welcoming people.

Favourite spot? The river walk along the Macintyre is a well walked track for me!

What do you like doing in your spare time? Our family are big water lovers, whether we are water skiing, swimming or at the beach.

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