Narromine to Narrabri section update – June 2024

In coming weeks, we'll be seeking permission from landowners to access their properties to conduct follow up geotechnical and site investigations and field studies to determine the full scope and cost of delivering the Narromine to Narrabri section.

We are planning to conduct these investigations in the second half of 2024 and we’ll agree site access schedules with landowners in advance to minimise impacts on farming operations.

We thank those landowners who have worked with us so far to enable investigations to happen and we thank all landowners in advance for their continued cooperation and support for these important activities.

Working closer with farmers and impacted landowners

A key focus for us this year is to increase collaboration with impacted landowners to secure the land required for the Inland Rail corridor.

Our dedicated team are working very hard to achieve voluntary agreements negotiated in a fair, transparent and well-informed manner.

This is an opportunity for us to work more closely with impacted Narromine to Narrabri landowners to ensure voluntary acquisition agreements are fit for purpose and meet the needs of individual circumstances.

And, importantly, compensation for land acquisition expenses will continue to be governed by the New South Wales Government’s Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.

In pivoting to a voluntary negotiation process, independent professional costs related to property negotiations will be assessed in good faith against what Inland Rail considers reasonable. We have established new protocols to bring efficiency to the reimbursement process.

We are committed to ensuring all parties are informed and supported throughout the voluntary acquisition negotiations.

If you are an impacted landowner and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Stakeholder Engagement Advisor on 1800 732 761.

Two people standing in a field, looking at a book.

In the community

We’ve really enjoyed answering your questions and sharing the latest news on Inland Rail at local Ag shows including Narrabri and Gilgandra. Catch us next at the Narromine Show on 31 August at Narromine Showgrounds.

Event details

Two people sitting at a show stall.


For more information about the Narromine to Narrabri section of Inland Rail, phone: 1800 732 761 or email
