North Star to NSW/Queensland Border project update April 2022
This month, we’ve enjoyed getting out amongst local and Indigenous communities along the North Star to NSW/Queensland Border project alignment providing opportunities to build new skills and business capabilities and catching up with locals at the Goondiwindi Show.
May 17, 2022

What’s happening in the field?
Surveys were on on public land, in road reserves and in the rail corridor. Investigations on private property were arranged with individual landowners. Investigations on private property will be arranged with individual landowners.
Out and about
In the last couple of months our teams were out in force, sponsoring the recent Goondiwindi and Warialda Shows.
We had the pleasure of sponsoring this year’s Young Judges and Paraders Showing Clinic, which provided 25 students with professional development on a range of beef cattle topics including nutrition, animal husbandry, showing and handling animals. We’re also pleased to report our sun cream and water bottles were also a big hit at both shows!
On 24 March, Inland Rail held a ‘Workforce Development” forum for the Goondiwindi community to update the local and Indigenous business community on the project’s current procurement status and the construction tender process.
The forum, which attracted 62 attendees representing local employment services providers, local high schools, apprenticeship support agencies and the Federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment, aimed to help local business understand and act on Inland Rail’s upcoming work package opportunities and future workforce needs.
What’s coming up?
On 5 July, Inland Rail’s Skills Academy will launch an upskilling program in partnership with TAFE NSW Boggabilla to help locals learn new skills which may lead to sustainable employment with Inland Rail’s construction contractors.
The program will provide guidance on career preparation, a Certificate II in Construction qualification, a Railway Industry Safety Induction and worker medical and financial literacy support provided by My Money Dream from First Nations Foundation.
Candidates who complete the program, which will be delivered by TAFE NSW Boggabilla, will have the opportunity to secure an interview with Inland Rail contractors.
EIS status
The North Star to NSW/Queensland Border project remains in the approvals stage as we continue to work with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on our conditions of approval.
We expect the Minister for Planning to make a decision about the project in the coming months.
Find out more by visiting DPE’s website.
For more information about the North Star to NSW/Queensland Border project, please get in touch. You can contact the project’s Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Isabella Hall via 0409 413 155 or
Alternatively, drop in to see us between Monday and Friday at 116 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi.