Preferred Civil Works Program proponent awarded
The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has taken another step towards construction of Inland Rail in Queensland following an agreement with a locally owned and operated joint venture for civil works within the Border to Gowrie section.
September 3, 2021

BHQ Joint Venture (BHQ JV), comprising Brisbane-based Bielby Holdings Pty Ltd, JF Hull Pty Ltd, and QH&M Birt Pty Ltd, has been appointed as the preferred Civil Works Program proponent for the first section of Inland Rail in Queensland.
This section, which will be the first shovel-in-ground Inland Rail project in Queensland, comprises approximately 162km of civil works to accommodate dual-gauge track, including the upgrade of approximately 24km of existing track.
BHQ JV was selected following a rigorous evaluation process that demonstrated their capability to deliver the right technical solution while also providing significant lasting benefits for local communities along the alignment.
Next steps
We’re committed to ensuring the design of Inland Rail meets the highest environmental, safety and community standards in line with rigorous Queensland and Australian government approval processes.
Major construction will not start until statutory approvals have been received from the Queensland and Australian governments, but the appointment of a preferred proponent now tells local businesses to get ‘Inland Rail-ready’ and start talking with BHQ JV about what the future looks like.