Daroobalgie Road closure, 17–24 October 2024
Between Thursday 17 October and Thursday 24 October 2024, Inland Rail will undertake construction works at the level crossing including works to the road (Daroobalgie Road).

Work being done
Inland Rail will undertake construction works at the level crossing including works to the road (Daroobalgie Road).
Construction work will continue as normal including some noisy works:
- Earthworks
- Pavement & road works
- Line marking
- Drainage works.
Works area
To safely complete this work, Daroobalgie Road will be closed from Hoopers Road and the Newell Highway. Detours will be available via Wyndham Avenue.
- 6am 17 October – Daroobalgie Road closed
- 6pm 24 October – Daroobalgie Road open
Access to residential properties will be maintained during this period.
Vehicle movements
During the works, vehicle movements will be to and from site as well as on site to facilitate earthworks.
What can I expect
- Heavy vehicle movements, earth-moving activities and track works
- Some of these works will be noisy. You may hear truck engines and engine noise from machines.
Machinery used
Equipment used for work includes but is not limited to hand tools, excavators, loaders, graders, vibrating rollers, moxy trucks, truck and dogs, heavy and light vehicles, generators and other minor plant.
How we're managing impacts
To minimise noise impacts to you during these works the following measures will be undertaken:
- Respite periods will apply to noisy works (e.g. noisy equipment such as saw cutting will be undertaken in block of no more than 3 hours with at least 1 hour of respite between each block of work).
- Adhering to the compliance conditions as defined in the Environment Protection Licence (EPL).
- Orientating equipment away from noise-sensitive receivers where possible.
- No unnecessary shouting or loud stereos/radios onsite.
- Communication between workers and plant operators using UHF radios and hand signals.
- Where practicable, substitution using alternative low noise plant and equipment.
- When applicable, implement mitigation measures to address noise disturbances.
- All vehicles to be switched off when not in use.
- When high generating works are occurring unattended noise monitoring can be undertaken at closest receivers with the use of environmental monitoring software(SiteHive).
- Use of non-tonal reversing alarms on all equipment and turning off equipment when not in use.
- Instructing workers to keep noise to a minimum and being respectful of our neighbours.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we carry out these works.
Phone: 1800 732 761