Site Compound, Daroobalgie
A site compound is planned to be established at Daroobalgie, with works starting 22 January 2024. When constructed, it is expected to remain in operation until late 2025.
Work being done
Initially, there will be work required to establish the compound which will include:
- Deliveries to site – including both heavy and light vehicle movements
- Placement of site sheds to be erected including offices, a lunchroom and bathroom facilities
- Building laydown areas for materials.
Once established regular work activities will occur.
What can I expect
Some activity in the site compound may be noisy and out-of-hours work may be required. We will contact you prior to any out-of-hours work occurring. Additional measures may be put in place during out of hours work to ensure noise during these times is minimised.
There will be light and heavy vehicles regularly on site, you may:
- Hear truck engines and engine noise from machines and unloading/loading activities.
- Hear reversing alarms, however we aim to use non-tonal reversing alarms on all equipment and turning off equipment when not in use.
- Hear excavation (activity involving the removal of existing surfaces such as rock, soil, pavement, and other substances).
There will be workers using the site compound who will keep noise to a minimum and be respectful to neighbours.
The site compound will be visible from the Newell Highway, Daroobalgie Road and Hoopers Road. To reduce visual impacts, site fencing with hoarding will be placed around the site compound. Materials will be stored in an organised way.
Machinery used
Cranes will be used to erect and later demobilise the site sheds. Heavy and light vehicles will be used to deliver the site sheds.
The long-term site activity will include site deliveries of materials using light and heavy vehicles, movement of plant and other construction related activity.
How we’re managing impacts
- Traffic controls will be in place, where required.
- Water carts will be on-site to wet down areas to assist in managing dust.
- Works programmed to best minimise noise impacts. We will aim to minimise noise from the works.
Works will be monitored to ensure compliance with Project Approval Conditions.
Phone: 1800 929 244
Post: Inland Rail, GPO Box 14, Sydney NSW 2001