Assessing noise and vibration once Inland Rail is operating
As part of our conditions of approval for the construction of Inland Rail, potential noise and vibration property impacts once trains are operating need to be assessed. Once operational, Inland Rail will see increased rail movements with longer and heavier trains moving freight between Melbourne and Brisbane.
January 31, 2022

Inland Rail acknowledges that its operations will have noise impacts for local communities. Noise modelling and assessments have been undertaken along the Narrabri to North Star project to identify properties that will experience noise above regulatory levels once the line is fully operational.
Noise consultants Projence Pty Ltd have been engaged to support Inland Rail during our noise and vibration community consultation period. This will include online information sessions and engaging directly with identified affected landowners to discuss any potential ‘at property’ treatments required to mitigate excessive noise and vibration.
An Operational Noise and Vibration online information session will be held on Wednesday 23 February 2022 from 9am to 12noon for community members who wish to learn more about how noise and vibration is assessed and what ‘at property’ treatments are available.
To register, please email or phone 1800 732 761. All properties identified as exceeding operational noise and vibration levels will be engaged individually and our consultants will assist to identify preferred treatment options.
In addition to modelling operational noise and vibration, Projence have modelled the potential traffic impacts of Inland Rail and are conducting risk assessments with local emergency services and the community around level crossings through the Moree township. Interested community members can attend an online community traffic consultation session on Thursday 3 or Friday 4 February 2022 from 9.00am – 12.00pm (AEDT).
To register for either session, please apply via our website, email or phone 1800 732 761.
Feedback can also be received via the project’s online interactive map.