The first Inner Darling Downs Community Consultative Committee was established in December 2017 with 16 members, plus the independent Chair, who provided input and feedback into the Border to Gowrie and Gowrie to Helidon projects.
The two-year tenure of the Inner Darling Downs CCC concluded in late 2019. The renewed Committee was appointed in March 2020 for up to two years, or until the Border to Gowrie and Gowrie to Helidon projects have gained statutory approval.
Quick facts
December 2017
Renewed Committee appointed
March 2020
Areas represented
- Brookstead
- Pittsworth
- Southbrook
- Gowrie
- Toowoomba
Upcoming meetings
The Committee holds regular meetings. Observers are welcome, however registrations are recommended.
To register, please contact the team by phoning 1800 732 761.
There are currently no upcoming consultative-committee-working-group events.
Previous meetings
Landholder tax issues presentation
Information session video
Vicki Battaglia
Representation: Individual
Contact: or 0409 767 937
Gary Garland
Representation: Individual
Contact: or 0417 007 957
Paul Hanlon
Representation: Individual
Contact: or 0427 763 608
Chris Joseph
Representation: Individual
Contact: or 0427 718 056
Rob Loch
Representation: Pittsworth District Landcare Association
Contact: or 0419 713 193
Paul McDonald
Representation: Southern Queensland Landscapes
Contact: or 0419 723 635
Lance MacManus
Representation: Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise
Contact: or 0427 935 987
Phoebe Mitchell
Contact: or 0438 064 996
Ken Murphy
Representation: Individual
Contact: or 0407 166 144
Kylie Schultz
Representation: Individual
Myf Rigby
Representation: Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce
Contact: (07) 4638 0400
Clinton Weber
Representation: Individual
Brett Kelly
Representation: Individual
Contact: 0427 939 225

Inner Darling Downs CCC charter
The Inner Darling Downs CCC Charter sets out the scope of the Committee and expectation of behaviours.
Find out more
If you have an enquiry about the Committee, please contact the project team by phone on 1800 732 761 or email