Cootamundra businesses to get on track for Inland Rail work

Local and First Nations businesses and community members in Cootamundra will have a chance to find out about potential commercial opportunities on the Illabo to Stockinbingal section of the Inland Rail project at a ‘Meet the Contractor’ event being held next week.

Representatives of Inland Rail and Illabo to Stockinbingal contractor John Holland will be at the session at the Cootamundra Ex-Servicemen’s & Citizens Memorial Club, 299 Parker Street, Cootamundra, between 5pm and 7pm on Monday 17 March.

The event has created great interest in the region, with 65 businesses applying for the registration-only event.

The Meet the Contractor events are intended to provide local and First Nations businesses and communities with a greater understanding of the opportunities available with the project.

Businesses and individuals who are keen to be involved in the project will attend the information and networking event to hear from John Holland representatives, and meet with them to learn about the types of goods and services that will be required, employment opportunities and general project information.

Construction will commence in 2025 on a new rail line linking Illabo and Stockinbingal, and includes:

  • two rail bridges over roads
  • eight bridges across waterways
  • a road bridge over the rail line, and
  • 10 stock underpasses.

These will enable the safe operation of double-stacked freight trains through NSW.

Businesses are encouraged to register for their preferred work packages published on the ICN Gateway website.

Inland Rail has been creating business and employment opportunities in NSW during design and construction phases. Since July last year:

  • Inland Rail has spent more than $377.9 million with 414 local businesses on the project between Albury and Parkes.
  • On the same section, Inland Rail has employed a total of 4605 people.
  • 1658 of the total are local residents, and 354 of the total are women.
  • 751 of the total are First Nations People.
  • Of the 1658 local residents, 439 are First Nations people
  • More than $39.4m has been spent with 28 First Nations businesses Australia-wide.


View the event

Conrad Strachan, Inland Rail Project Director, Illabo to Stockinbingal, said:

“Meet the Contractor events are an ideal way for businesses who wish to become involved in Inland Rail to find out more about the project and learn the most effective way to submit expressions of interest.

“We have received strong interest from local businesses who are keen to become part of the delivery of Inland Rail.

“Inland Rail is being predominantly delivered in regional Australia, meaning there is a prime opportunity for regional Australia to reap the immediate benefits that come with construction.

“We are incredibly mindful of how sizable investment can reshape regional economies in a short period of time and our focus is on ensuring benefits flow directly to the communities on the Inland Rail alignment.”


John Holland Illabo to Stockinbingal Project Director Rob Pitt said:

“We look forward to getting out and meeting local communities and establishing long-term business relationships that embrace local knowledge, skills and resources to deliver the best outcome for the project.

“In addition, there will be positive flow-on effects for a range of service providers, like cafes, retailers and hotels/motels who will reap the benefits of the project.”

People sitting on chairs in room listening to a lecture.
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