County Boundary Road, Pallamallawa temporary traffic changes
From 28 March 2022, our contractor Trans4m Rail will temporarily close County Boundary Road, to traffic to enable level crossing works on County Boundary Road, including installation of rail and flash butt welding.
Work being done
Traffic detour
During the temporary road closure, motorists will be diverted via Popinguy Road, Rimbanda Road and Calimpa Road. A detour map is below.
For public safety, road users should observe all traffic control instructions, signage and VMS boards during this period.
Works to be undertaken
- Rail removal and placement
- Flash butt welding
- Weld grinding
- Installation of traffic control measures.
What is flash butt welding?
Flash butt welding is an electrical resistance welding process used to join sections of rail. The energy transfer is provided primarily by the resistance heat from the rails themselves.
What can I expect
- Hi-rail vehicles (rolling stock) and a flash butt welder undertaking rail works
- Construction machinery and equipment operating on site adjacent to live traffic on County Boundary Road
- Delivery of materials and equipment to site
- Some of these works will be noisy and mitigation measures will be in place.
Machinery used
- Hi-rail vehicles including a hi-rail excavator (rolling stock)
- mobile flash butt welder
- trucks
will be used within the construction impact zone.
How we’re managing impacts
- Traffic controls will be in place, where required, including Variable Message Signage (VMS) boards
- Water carts will be on site to wet down areas to assist in managing dust.
Phone: 1800 732 761
Post: Inland Rail, GPO Box 14, Sydney NSW 2001