December 2020 project update for Albury to Illabo
Important seasonal spring biodiversity surveys have been conducted at a number of key locations along the Albury to Illabo alignment. This is all part of developing the early reference design and primary approvals documentation for the project. Meanwhile our engineering consultant, WSP, is reviewing each of the enhancement sites to begin additional geotechnical, heritage and fauna surveying early in 2021.
December 10, 2020

From late January, we will be consulting our stakeholders on the early reference design, as well as discussing the sites undergoing a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA). The MCA will help determine suitable options at major project sites along the alignment. The feedback provided will be considered as we progress the project’s reference design.
We will be holding community information sessions in February and will provide details once dates and locations are finalised. Please answer a short poll to let us know how you would like to receive updates and provide feedback.
Photo caption: Billy Highes Bridge, Albury.