Environmental Impact Statements update – Gowrie to Kagaru projects
Over the past three months, we’ve focussed on undertaking further studies to address additional information requested for the Gowrie to Kagaru projects, moving forward with drafting chapters for the revised draft Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
September 19, 2022

Over the past three months, we’ve focussed on undertaking further studies to address additional information requested for the Gowrie to Kagaru projects, moving forward with drafting chapters for the revised draft Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
We have received requests for additional information from the Queensland Coordinator-General for the Calvert to Kagaru (C2K) and Helidon to Calvert (H2C) projects – and we’re working on our responses for both projects.
The request for additional information is part of the EIS approvals process. It is an outcome of the feedback and submissions received on the draft EISs which were on public notification during 2021.
We’re now completing field investigations including koala studies, groundwater, hydrology, geotechnical studies and ecology surveys to inform revision of the EIS chapters.
We’ve held workshops on hydrology, surface water, groundwater, flora and fauna, sustainability, offsets, ecology, koalas, and social performance for the C2K project to present on any new findings and gather more community and stakeholder feedback. Thank you to everyone who took time to attend either in person or online.
Our team has been present at local events, including the shows in Toowoomba, Gatton and Rosewood, as well as local markets in Gatton, Laidley and Forest Hill.
The conversations we have with you during these drop-in sessions and any feedback you offer, provide valuable insights that we consider as we prepare the revised draft EISs.
We expect to submit the revised draft EISs to the Queensland Coordinator-General in 2023.
Once accepted, they’ll be publicly exhibited, providing you another opportunity to review the changes and have your say on the project.
The Coordinator-General is currently evaluating the Gowrie to Helidon draft EIS, and we’re expecting a request for additional information later this year.
We’ll keep you informed when we receive formal feedback as part of the coordinated projects process from the Coordinator-General.
We are awaiting the release of the final report of the Independent International Panel of Experts for Flood Studies of Inland Rail in Queensland. ARTC is committed to addressing all matters raised in their report.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email us on inlandrailqld@artc.com.au or call us on 1800 732 761.
You can also drop in for a chat at our Toowoomba office (143-145 Margaret Street, Toowoomba) or Gatton office (47 North Street, Gatton).
September 19, 2022