Illabo to Stockinbingal EIS public exhibition period closes
After 42 days, the public exhibition of the Illabo to Stockinbingal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) concluded on 26 October.
October 27, 2022

We thank the community for reviewing the EIS and its technical reports, and for providing submissions. We acknowledge the EIS information is technical, but it’s important the community understands the potential impacts of Inland Rail and what we’re doing to address them.
Inland Rail will now get to work responding to each of the submissions made and finalise an overall Response to Submissions report to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment as required for State Significant Infrastructure Projects, following EIS exhibition.
The Response to Submissions report will include an analysis of the issues raised in submissions and a description of any actions ARTC Inland Rail has taken since exhibition to address those issues.
This may include refining or amending the project, undertaking further assessment of impacts, or engaging with the community. Once completed, the report will be published on the NSW Planning Portal.
The Department will consider the Response to Submissions report in its assessment of the Illabo to Stockinbingal project.
This is expected to occur early next year. Any updates will be published on our website and the community will be kept informed.