Inland Rail gets ‘green’ light to proceed in Victoria

ARTC has received all primary environmental and planning approvals to move ahead with the Inland Rail Beveridge to Albury project in Victoria.

October 13, 2022

Pathway to approvals in Victoria diagram

The latest approval was granted by the Australian Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

It follows the Victorian Government’s endorsement of the project’s Environment Report and approval of the associated Environmental Management Framework in early September, and gazettal of the Planning Scheme Amendment earlier this year.

These milestones, which have been achieved following extensive community and stakeholder consultation, mean ARTC Inland Rail can now award the Design and Construction contract to deliver the first construction sites in Victoria.

The Environmental Management Framework guides how Inland Rail will meet regulatory requirements to manage the environment within project areas across north-east Victoria. It identifies potential impacts on native vegetation, habitat and biodiversity values associated with listed threatened species and communities and sets out conditions that must be met to mitigate these impacts.

Feedback from extensive community and stakeholder consultation undertaken in 2021 informed our Planning Scheme Amendment and Environment Report submissions to the Victorian and Australian governments.

These primary approvals are subject to conditions, which ARTC will adhere to during the remaining phases of project delivery.

October 13, 2022
