Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 project update May 2022
As well as a regular monthly meeting with Moree Plains Shire Council and catch ups with landowners and other stakeholders, last month we were excited to be back at the Moree Show and have a chance to speak with the wider Moree Community.
May 30, 2022

Many people who came to see the team were travellers from afar who had a general interest in the project however it also provided an opportunity for those who may be impacted by the project to drop in and see the team.
Temporary Occupations
During April we had discussions about proposed temporary occupations or leasing of private and public property for construction purposes. Although construction doesn’t commence until 2024, we’re looking to provide certainty to our stakeholders about the process as early as possible.
We spoke to relevant landowners about the small strips of land close to the rail line that Inland Rail will be negotiating to lease towards the end of the year. Although negotiations will occur at this time, the lease would not be in place until construction commences. The land required will be presented in the EIS as well as detailed in a strategy that is signed off by Transport for New South Wales and the relevant Minister. Ultimately it will form part of the Construction Impact Zone.
Inland Rail will seek to reduce construction impacts as much as possible and has been seeking feedback on any issues landowners see with the proposed lease areas.
Transport for New South Wales – Newell Highway Upgrade
As you may have heard Transport for New South Wales received funding to complete planned upgrades of the Newell Highway in the vicinity of Moree. Inland Rail works closely with Transport for New South Wales and will continue to meet with them on a monthly basis to discuss the interaction between the two projects.
Phase 2 contractor confirmed
Last month we told you about Freight Connect, the preferred civil contractor chosen to deliver the Narrabri to North Star Phase 2 project. Freight Connect have set up a profile on the Industry Capability Network (ICN) – a platform which connects local businesses and suppliers offering goods, services and equipment with major contractors promoting opportunities for their construction projects. We encourage local businesses and suppliers to learn more about Freight Connect’s works packages and how to create an expression of interest. Click here to enter the site.
IMAGE: Stakeholder Engagement Manager Isabella Hall speaking with a community member at Inland Rail stand at the Moree Show