New faces connecting with our community

Committed to local engagement in our communities, ARTC welcomes Graham Springett and Tegan Rendich who joined Inland Rail in late 2021 as Stakeholder Engagement Advisors for Victoria.

Graham joins Kirsten Lingard and Hamish Pink covering Mitchell and Strathbogie Local Government areas, and Tegan teams up with Brodie Akacich and Jacinta Piazza working across the Benalla and Wangaratta Local Government areas.

Here’s an introduction to the new faces you may meet in your local area.

Originally from the UK, Graham has more than 20 years’ experience in writing, communicating and engaging with local communities, having worked in the Australian newspaper industry and for a Member of Parliament in northern Victoria.

He is passionate about working with the Strathbogie and Mitchell communities and enjoys connecting with people in a meaningful way.

This background has given Graham an understanding of how communities function and how important it is for communities to know their contributions and viewpoints are being considered.

“I understand the issues that impact on northern Victoria and how important it is for these communities to feel they have a stake in the implementation of Inland Rail,” he said.

Tegan is the new face of engagement for Inland Rail in north east Victoria covering the areas of Wangaratta, Glenrowan and Wodonga.

Having held positions with a strong focus on stakeholder engagement and event management, Tegan brings to Inland Rail a strategic outlook on consultation and communication.

“Giving the community a voice is important to me,” she said

“Having lived in regional Victoria for much of my life, I understand local issues and the importance of building relationships and listening to community and stakeholders.

“Local knowledge considered in a strategic way can have a positive impact on the way we move forward with Inland Rail.”

Across the Tottenham to Albury alignment, Kirsten is the Stakeholder and Engagement Lead for Mitchell and Strathbogie, with Graham covering Strathbogie and Hamish covering Mitchell. Brodie is the Lead for Wangaratta and Wodonga Local Government areas working with Tegan and Jacinta, and Sam Smith is our Lead in Benalla.

Image of Graham Springett and Tegan Rendich

IMAGE: Graham Springett (L) and Tegan Rendich (R)
