NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie Section update – October 2024
Inland Rail continues to progress the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section. In Queensland, we’re finalising the required environmental approvals, gaining land access to conduct site surveys and investigations, and securing land required for this section.
October 3, 2024
We’re still progressing the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section’s revised draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), ensuring additional information requested by the Queensland Coordinator-General is addressed in our submission.
Site surveys and utilities investigations
Our teams are in the field at various locations between the NSW/Qld Border and Whetstone completing site surveys and utilities investigations.
From mid-October we’ll be completing surveys around Yelarbon township with traffic control in place. Read more about this specific activity on the works notification page.
Further planned investigations include:
- Detailed surveys – to map features and details of the landscape
- Ground truthing surveys – to validate captured aerial data against actual ground conditions
- Utilities investigations – to confirm the location of existing utilities
- Geotechnical investigations – for input into design development.
Data from these activities will help inform Australian Government considerations on delivery.
In August, we completed aerial drone surveys around Yelarbon to gather topographical information to assist hydrology modelling. We visited Yelarbon State School for a fun and educational morning, demonstrating drone technology and how these devices are used on Inland Rail.
We also recently completed Erosion Threshold Velocity (ETV) testing at various sites. ETV testing provides information about erosion at known flooding areas that will inform future detailed designs and efforts to mitigate flooding impacts on communities.
To view all upcoming site investigations, please visit our works notifications page on the Inland Rail website.
Revised draft EIS update
We’re preparing the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section’s revised draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), ensuring additional information requested by the Queensland Coordinator-General (CG) is addressed in our submission.
The CG will determine when the EIS public exhibition period will be following submission and acceptance of our revised draft EIS.
Please visit the CG’s website for more information about the B2G EIS process, including frequently asked questions.

For more information about the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section, please reach out to our Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Manager, Zeb Dawson via zdawson@artc.com.au.