Out and about in the community
While our contractor Trans4m Rail wind up their major construction activities, ancillary work on the Narrabri to North Star Phase 1 section will continue, as will the development of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Phase 2 part of the project. We continue to engage with alignment communities and seek local input, feedback and knowledge by getting out and about. In April, we once again sponsored and attended the Moree Agricultural Show, while project team members participated in Anzac Day commemorations in Moree and Narrabri.
May 5, 2023

Moree Agricultural Show
A key event on our calendar, the Moree Ag Show allowed us the opportunity to answer project questions and engage a wider audience than we normally consult with in a fun and relaxed environment.
The popular community event brought locals and visitors together over two beautiful autumn days in late April. Representatives from our Phase 1 and Phase 2 sections attended the Inland Rail stand to share key information and bust a few myths about the Inland Rail project.
Our kids table entertained the littles ones with a powered train set whilst parents were able to catch a breath and have a chat. Children also dressed up as rail workers in all the essential safety gear and learnt how important it is for those working on or near the railway to be highly visible and safe.
Those new to the project were keen to find out about Inland Rail, its benefits and specifically how it will improve road safety by reducing large trucks on our roads.
Missed talking to the team at the event? We would love to speak to you at the Narrabri and Warialda shows in May. You can also contact us by phone 1800 732 761 or email inlandrailnsw@artc.com.au.
Anzac Day 2023
Ever since Inland Rail set up a presence in the Moree community, members of our team have keenly participated in Anzac Day events to pay their respects to locals and all of those who served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations as part of Australia’s armed forces.
Staff from our Moree site team started the day early, meeting under the stars on Tuesday 25 April to attend the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at the Moree Services Club.
Just before the sun broke the dawn they joined representatives from other local businesses, local families and service women and men in a solemn and emotional coming together that spilled onto Albert Street.
After the last presentation they headed back to the office to warm up over a BBQ breakfast before joining the parade down the main street. The chilly morning turned into a beautiful bright sunny day, providing the perfect backdrop for the RAAF fly past
Inland Rail’s Narrabri-based team members also attended the Narrabri ANZAC Day Dawn Service at the Narrabri RSL.
TOP IMAGE: Inland Rail project team members teaching future engineers about the importance of safety when working in the rail corridor.
BOTTOM IMAGE: Members of the Inland Rail project team in Moree warming up in the sun and enjoying a BBQ breakfast after attending the ANZAC Day Dawn Service on Tuesday 25 April.