We are committed to working with landowners and stakeholders along the Border to Gowrie project alignment to receive their feedback as we progress our planning.
To date, our team has spoken with many affected landowners and community members through one-on-one discussions, briefings, meetings and workshops.
This consultation has been used to discuss key project elements such as the route alignment selection, property impacts, the property acquisition and compensation process, and management of hydrology and flooding impacts on communities adjoining the Condamine floodplain.
Locals have been generous in sharing their knowledge and we continue to receive a lot of valuable feedback. We encourage you to get involved and invite you to contact the project team for more information and to provide feedback at any time.
Since the project’s draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) closed in May 2021, the project team has continued to engage with landowners and key stakeholders while the Queensland Coordinator-General evaluates public submissions and feedback from advisory agencies.
The project team has acted on landowner feedback on our hydrology modelling for the Condamine floodplain in several ways, including:
- relocating banks of culverts and adding additional larger culverts into the reference design to enhance management of re-directed water flows and reduce risks connected with zero till farming practices and culvert blockages
- adjusting and relocating a section of bridge structure to minimise changes to flood water behaviour.
In Millmerran, the project team also acted on landowner feedback by making minor alignment modifications near the Commodore coal mine to reduce the number of farm dwellings/operations within 200 metres of the alignment and mitigate feedlot impacts. The current Inland Rail route has been fully considered, informed by 15 years of rigorous analysis, engineering design and business case development.
Contact us
We encourage you to get involved and invite you to contact the project team for more information and to provide feedback at any time.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your local engagement representative, or get in touch by:
- dropping into our office at 143-145 Margaret Street, Toowoomba (next door to Fitzy’s)
- calling 1800 732 761
- emailing
Independent International Panel of Experts for flood studies in Queensland
The International Panel of Experts for Flood Studies released its final flood report for the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section of Inland Rail in 2022.
The report reviewed flood modelling for Inland Rail’s Queensland projects, including the Macintyre River flood model which covers the NSW/Qld border area of the project.
In reviewing the work by Inland Rail, including flood models, reference designs and responses to issues raised in the draft reports, the report found that our flood models for our Queensland projects, including the Macintyre River flood model which the NSW/Qld border area of the project, are fit for purpose and demonstrate industry best practice for this stage of the design lifecycle.
The report also noted the more than two years of detailed assessment undertaken by Inland Rail to identify existing flooding characteristics and to assess and mitigate potential impacts associated with each of the project sections.
The report’s recommendations will be included in the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Inland Rail’s Queensland projects and will be incorporated into ongoing detailed design work.
Proposed road network changes in Athol
We’re proposing to update the design of Purcell Road and Athol School Road at Athol following extensive engagement with the local community and road managers. The proposed road network changes are designed to increase road user safety and minimise impacts to properties.
Translation services and literacy support
If you need help with reading the EIS documents, or if English is your second language, please call 131 450. This is a free service.
Consultation events

February 21, 2025
Inland Rail at Inglewood Show 2025
We’ll be at the Inglewood Show in March to talk with our communities about the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section of Inland Rail.

February 21, 2025 - 2025-03-29
Inland Rail at Toowoomba Royal Show 2025
We’ll be at the Toowoomba Royal Show from Thursday 27 to Saturday 29 March to talk with our communities about the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section of Inland Rail.
Understanding impacts
We understand that some local residents have concerns about potential amenity impacts on their properties once Inland Rail is operational. Our environmental assessments have looked at a broad range of factors, including operational train noise, air quality and train volumes, to determine what the impacts may be and propose mitigation, if required.
You can find more information about how we are working with you to address impacts on the understanding impacts page.
Finalising the rail corridor
The current Inland Rail route has been fully considered, informed by 15 years of rigorous analysis, engineering design and business case development. ARTC is investigating the feasibility of the current route and can only investigate alternative routes if directed by the Australian Government.
Whilst we are not able to change the route, we are committed to working with local communities to find solutions to concerns where possible. For example, where noise mitigation is proposed, we will liaise with impacted landowners to determine the best approach.
Your consultative committee
A Community Consultative Committee (CCC) represents local communities in the Border to Gowrie area.
This CCC provides a forum to share project information, discuss topics of interest, and address any issues or community concerns.
Importantly, it also provides an opportunity for community representatives to share their knowledge and experience on key issues with the Inland Rail team.
Inner Darling Downs CCC Southern Darling Downs CCC Learn more about CCCs
Leave your feedback on the interactive map
We have developed an interactive map of the current project design. Drop a pin on the map to add your comment. Your feedback will help us get a better understanding of key issues from a community perspective.
Contact us
To speak with a member of the project team please email us at or call 1800 732 761.