News: Border to Gowrie

Read news about the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section of Inland Rail.

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February 27, 2024

Border to Gowrie section update February 2024

We’re busy preparing additional information to support the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and planning for upcoming field surveys and investigations.

December 14, 2023

Australia’s rarest waterbird thrives at Inland Rail biodiversity offset site

Australia’s rarest breeding waterbird, the Australian Painted Snipe, had been sighted at Inland Rail’s biodiversity offset site near Yelarbon, Queensland.

December 6, 2023

Important – Fire ant emergency order

In late November, the NSW Department of Primary Industries confirmed the detection of three red imported fire ant nests in South Murwillumbah in north-eastern New South Wales, 13km south of the Queensland border.

November 22, 2023

Border to Gowrie section update November 2023

Since our last update in June, in line with the Australian Government’s Independent Review of Inland Rail recommendations, work has progressed on key areas of the NSW/Qld Border to Gowrie section’s revised draft EIS for submission to Queensland’s Coordinator-General.

September 4, 2023

Two-year survey ensures the accuracy of Inland Rail

After two years Inland Rail has completed surveying and modelling of nearly 233,000 hectares of land – equivalent to the size of the Australian Capital Territory - to upgrade Queensland’s spatial cadastre as a crucial part of delivering the Inland Rail project.

June 8, 2023

Border to Gowrie section update June 2023

In line with the Australian Government’s response to the independent review of the Inland Rail program, we are now taking a staged approach to deliver Inland Rail. The sections of Inland Rail between Beveridge in Victoria and Parkes in New South Wales have been prioritised for completion by 2027. Works to complete construction works underway on the Narrabri to North Star Phase 1 project will continue.

March 30, 2023

Inland Rail buys first Queensland biodiversity offsets property

Inland Rail has purchased its first biodiversity offset property in Queensland, buying 2,800ha in Canning Creek, located around 40km south of Millmerran.

March 28, 2023

Inland Rail information stalls in Pittsworth, Pampas and Brookstead

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is hosting three drop-in information sessions to keep communities in the Border to Gowrie (B2G) section of Inland Rail informed.

March 15, 2023

Sizzling opportunity to talk about Inland Rail at Gowrie Junction

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is providing an opportunity for Gowrie Junction residents to discuss opportunities related to the Inland Rail project including employment, supply opportunities for local business and accommodation options.

March 13, 2023

Passive cooling for signalling huts bolsters sustainability on Inland Rail

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is looking to expand the use of passive cooling designs for its Inland Rail signalling huts, which is a boost for the sustainability of the project.

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