Project Stage
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In parallel to the Procurement stage, projects develop an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or similar planning approvals application which consolidate findings of all the environmental and technical investigations and community…
Learn moreThe Gowrie to Helidon project was declared a ‘coordinated project’ by the Queensland Office of the Coordinator-General (OCG) in 2017, requiring Inland Rail to submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
In June 2020, we submitted the preliminary draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the Queensland Coordinator-General and it has now been released by the Coordinator-General for public notification and submissions.
The draft EIS was on public display from Monday 2 August 2021 to Monday 25 October 2021.
During this time, the community and key stakeholders were invited to view and make a submission to the CG on the draft EIS.
The CG has evaluated the draft EIS against public submissions and feedback from advisory agencies and has requested further information be addressed by ARTC in a revised draft EIS.
The revised draft EIS will be subject to a period of public consultation to ensure all stakeholders can consider ARTC’s responses to their submissions and provide further comment on the project.
The timing for public consultation will be determined by the CG following submission and acceptance of ARTC’s revised draft EIS.
To view the draft EIS and next steps, visit the Coordinator-General’s website.
Engineering and environmental investigations
Future Freight Joint Venture (FFJV) has been awarded a contract to undertake engineering and environmental investigations for the Gowrie to Helidon section of Inland Rail.
The work FFJV is undertaking will provide the Inland Rail team with a greater understanding of the local geography, hydrology, flora and fauna, as well as air quality, noise and social factors.
These elements will help us progress the detailed design for this project.
Watch the latest project update
Find out what’s been happening on the Gowrie to Helidon section.

Process to assess Queensland major projects
A flow chart detailing the approval process for major projects in Queensland, including opportunities for public input.