Beaconsfield Parade bridge works, Glenrowan, November-December 2024
Inland Rail contractor McConnell Dowell will continue works in Glenrowan during November and December.
Work being done
Works will include:
- Landscaping and constructing pathways
- Final touches including anti-throw screens and handrails on the bridge.
Location of works
What can I expect?
Traffic and pedestrian access via the new Beaconsfield Parade bridge
- Traffic management on Beaconsfield Parade bridge with minor delays to vehicles and pedestrians at times
- Heavy machinery and equipment operating onsite
- Delivery of materials and equipment
- Trucks and other vehicles entering and exiting the construction site may cause minor traffic delays.
Machinery used
Trucks, cranes, excavators, loaders and light vehicles will be used within the works area.
How we're managing impacts
Water carts will be onsite to wet down areas to assist in managing dust
- Traffic controls will be in place, where required, including Variable Message Signage (VMS) boards
- Live monitoring of noise, dust, and vibration.
For any concerns or enquiries please phone 1800 929 244 or email
Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we carry out these works.