Goods shed removal works, Euroa, October 2024

Site establishment for works to remove the Euora goods shed will commence from Monday 14 October 2024, with removal works to follow.

Map showing the site of the Euroa goods shed, next to the Euroa Railway Station



14 October 2024 - October 2024

Working hours

7am-7pm Monday to Friday


1-11 Elliot Street

  • Euroa
Local Government Area
  • Strathbogie Shire

Work being done

The Heritage Council of Victoria has determined, pursuant to section 49(1)(b) of the Heritage Act 2017 (Vic), that the Euroa railway goods shed located at 1-11 Elliot Street, is not of State-level cultural heritage significance and is not to be included in the Victorian Heritage Register.

The goods shed will be removed as it conflicts with the proposed new railway precinct infrastructure and because of its severely dilapidated and unsafe condition.

Site establishment for these works will commence from Monday 14 October 2024 with removal works to follow.

Map of works area

Map showing the site of the Euroa goods shed, next to the Euroa Railway Station

What can I expect?

  • Works 7am-7pm Monday to Friday
  • Temporary fencing around the works area
  • Closure of the west station platform during the removal
  • Traffic management and signage around the work site
  • Reduced road speeds near works
  • To ensure worker safety, machinery will be used to remove the goods shed. This is necessary due to its unsafe condition.

Machinery used

  • Excavators and telehandler
  • Water cart for dust suppression.

How we're managing impacts

  • Works will occur in daylight hours
  • Traffic management will be in place to ensure safe access for all road users.

What’s next

Materials identified as suitable for salvage during the removal works will be catalogued and stored off-site for reuse in the new station precinct. The stone foundations will be left in-situ until the start of construction.

We are committed to working with community members interested in acknowledging the goods shed within the new station precinct design.

Designs for the station precinct are progressing. When we share these with community, we’ll also seek feedback on heritage interpretation options for the goods shed, including use of salvaged material.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we carry out these works.


Phone: 1800 732 761


Mail: PO Box 217, Collins Street West, VIC 8007

Please call our free translation and interpreter service on 131 450 (24 hours a day) if English is your second language and you need help reading this document.


