Fauna survey investigations

Specialist consultants working on behalf of Inland Rail will conduct follow up fauna surveys in Stockinbingal commencing early November 2023.  



01 November 2023 - 03 November 2023

Working hours

7pm to midnight Wednesday to Friday


Troy Street, Stockinbingal

  • Stockinbingal
Local Government Area
  • Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council

Work being done

These activities are allowed to be completed under the project’s Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) declaration, which was issued in 2021 by the NSW Minister for Planning.

We want to reassure residents that starting these activities now does not mean approval has been given for major construction to begin on the Illabo to Stockinbingal section.
They will however enable major construction to start more efficiently once approvals are issued.

Overview of activity

Follow up fauna surveys along the nature strip of Troy Street, including the use of spotlights and call broadcasting.

Spotlighting would be used to target nocturnal mammals birds, and amphibians. Spotlighting would be completed after dusk. Surveys would be completed on foot using high-powered headlamps and hand torches.

Call playback would be used to survey for nocturnal birds (owls and Bush Stone-Curlew) and frogs. Call playback is where the calls of target species are played and an animal responds allowing them to be identified by their call or visually under spotlight. Call playback would be completed after dusk within a number of sites in the study area.

When are activities occurring?

Activity is expected to occur between Wednesday 1 November and Friday 3 November 2023.

Sites access roads used

Contractors will access the survey

What can I expect?

These surveys will largely be non-impactful except for the shining of spotlights at vegetation and the broadcasting of calls such as owl calls along Troy Street.

Machinery used

  • 4WD vehicles
  • Fauna surveying equipment such as spotlights and call broadcasters (portable media player and megaphone)

How we’re managing impacts

  • Access to residential properties will be maintained at all times
  • Spotlights will not be directed at residential properties
  • Call playback uses natural sounds and will be kept to a minimal duration and frequency


Phone: 0429 985 506 or 1800 732 761

Email: inlandrailnsw@artc.com.au

Post: Inland Rail, GPO Box 14, Sydney NSW 2001


