Optical fibre cable relocation

From 4 July 2022, we will start low impact pre-construction works in preparation for the start of construction works at Wyndham Avenue Bridge.



July 2022 - August 2022

Working hours

7am to 6pm, seven days a week


Forbes Station, Sam Street to Wyndham Avenue

  • Forbes
Local Government Area
  • Forbes Shire Council

Work being done

Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), Vocus Group and Constructive Communications will be relocating Optical Fibre cable within the rail corridor.

Majority of the relocation works will involve open trench excavation except for works at Wyndham Avenue where Horizontal Direction Drilling (HDD) will occur under the road. All work areas will be fenced to ensure public safety.

What can I expect

There may be an increase in noise and traffic movements in the area during our works.

Majority of vehicle movements will be at the start and end of day.

Towards the end of the works there will be some minor splicing works completed after hours, but this will be done with small hand tools, which will create minimal noise and traffic impacts to the local community.

Machinery used

  • Excavators,
  • loaders,
  • dump trucks,
  • vacuum excavation trucks,
  • water carts,
  • generators and
  • drilling rigs will be used.


Phone: 1800 732 761

Email: inlandrailnsw@artc.com.au

Post: Inland Rail, GPO Box 14, Sydney NSW 2001
