Albury to Illabo Response to Submissions Report now available
Community members have an opportunity to gain further insight into the Albury to Illabo section of Inland Rail with important information on the project now available to view on the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) Major Projects website.
February 28, 2024

Following the public exhibition of the Albury to Illabo Preferred Infrastructure Report from 15 November to 6 December 2023, Inland Rail has submitted a further Response to Submissions Report addressing issues raised.
The report is an overview of the submissions received as part of the most recent public exhibition process and written responses from Inland Rail. It also includes updates to assessments on air quality, traffic, and operational rail noise.
The Department will consider the Response to Submissions Report, along with the earlier technical reports in its assessment of the project and make a recommendation to the Minister for Planning.
The Albury to Illabo section of Inland Rail includes enhancements to bridges and other structures along approximately 185km of existing rail corridor from the Victoria-NSW border to Illabo in regional New South Wales to accommodate Inland Rail’s double-stacked trains.
Melvyn Maylin, Inland Rail Director Program Delivery (Albury to Parkes), said:
“We thank the community for reviewing the Preferred Infrastructure Report, providing submissions and for attending our in-person drop-in sessions to raise any questions.
“We acknowledge the information in the reports can be technical, but it’s important the community understands the potential impacts of Inland Rail and what we’re doing to address them.”
More information:
Inland Rail’s Albury to Illabo Project
View the Response to Submissions Report
Image Caption: Shepherds Silos, Brucedale NSW (Source: Inland Rail)