Clontarf students join in footy fun for Regional Rugby League Day in Wagga Wagga
Potential future Rugby League stars had their chance to shine this week with the Mount Austin Clontarf Academy putting Year 9 and 10 First Nations students from southern New South Wales through their paces at their Regional Rugby League Day in Wagga Wagga.
May 30, 2023

Teams from Wagga Wagga, Tumut, and Albury Clontarf Academies took to the field for a day of fun, demonstrating teamwork, discipline, and building connections with Clontarf peers.
The Clontarf Foundation supports the education, training, and employment of First Nations youth in communities along the Inland Rail alignment.
ARTC Inland Rail’s investment through the Inland Rail Skills Academy is supporting 14 Clontarf Academies along the rail corridor in Queensland and New South Wales.
This funding is helping to boost school retention, develop leadership skills, and create pathways to employment through training opportunities for First Nations regional youth.
For more information, visit the Education and Scholarships page on the Inland Rail website.
An ARTC Inland Rail spokesperson said:
‘ARTC Inland Rail supports the Clontarf Foundation’s goal of improving the education, self-esteem, and employment prospects of our First Nations youth. This partnership is delivering programs which build skills and prosperity in local communities, supporting 14 academies and more than 1,000 First Nations boys.
‘Inland Rail is not only changing the way Australia moves freight but is acting as a catalyst for positive change in many regional communities along the rail alignment.
‘We are committed to playing our part in upskilling the nation and ensuring that different groups of people are given the opportunity to help build Inland Rail’.