Construction update

Construction on the Narrabri to North Star Phase 1 project has resumed at full speed in 2022 with our main focus on upgrading 51km of track between North Narrabri and Bellata and completing the upgrade of track between North Camurra and North Star.

Narrabri to North Star construction - rail bridge work at North Camurra to North Star

Works north of Moree

Our contractor Trans4m Rail has demolished all rail bridges from North Camurra to North Star and the team is now constructing new structures at each location.

The Croppa Creek tributary rail bridge is complete and six Super-T bridge beams, each 23 metres long and weighing 52 tonnes, will be installed in the coming weeks. Works on the Gil Gil Creek and Yallaroi Creek structures are nearing completion with more than 626 culverts installed to date.

As major works continue from North Camurra to North Star, out-of-hours concrete pours will be conducted to support bridge and drainage works. Due to warm weather in the summer months and to ensure the concrete cures, concrete pours may be completed between 4am and 6am when it is cooler.

Other major work includes installing concrete sleepers and new steel tracks, earthworks and lime stabilisation, upgrading signalling and communications equipment.

Works south of Moree

Between Bellata and South Moree, landscaping and fencing continues as part of the finishing works. Early works in the southern section between North Narrabri and Bellata, such as construction of material laydown areas, access roads and vegetation clearing will be completed in the lead up to the 1 April 2022 temporary closure of the rail line for possession works.

To view the project’s upcoming construction works notifications, visit the project’s works notifications page.