Euroa residents have their say on proposed underpass

Euroa residents are coming forward in strong numbers to have their say in the latest round of consultation on the proposed underpass to replace the Anderson Street bridge.

Aerial view of Euroa station, Victoria.

The community has kept Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) staff busy over the last week with many visiting the Binney St shopfront, calling the hotline, emailing, viewing online material and signing up to focus groups.

In the three open days last week, more than 85 locals dropped into the ARTC shopfront and 30 have registered for the upcoming focus groups. The ARTC has also conducted seven meetings with key stakeholder groups.

The updated underpass visualisation has also had over 700 YouTube views.

The ARTC will continue community consultation until the end of February to provide the latest information and gather important feedback.

This Saturday (18/2), ARTC staff will be at the Euroa Farmer’s Market, Rotary Park, Kirkland Avenue, Euroa from 9.00am to 1.00pm.

For more information please visit the Tottenham to Albury project section.

Ed Walker, ARTC Victoria and South Australia Projects General Manager said:

‘The Anderson Street bridge replacement will be an important piece of local infrastructure, so we want to get it right.

‘It’s clear the Euroa community is passionate about how Inland Rail is delivered in their town and they are coming forward in strong numbers to provide their feedback.

‘We encourage local residents to keep coming forward to talk to the ARTC staff.

‘Local participation matters. We encourage your feedback to ensure the best solution for Euroa is progressed.’