Final 2022 Inland Rail perceptions survey – we have been listening!

Select community members will shortly receive email invitations to complete the final Inland Rail Community Perceptions survey for 2022, which will be live from 14 November until 14 December 2022.

November 2, 2022

The whole program News
Audience at the Tottenham to Albury Preferred Contractor event

This is a quarterly communication and engagement survey we conduct among a random sample of stakeholders from communities along the Inland Rail alignment. The survey is confidential and independently run by national market research company, Ipsos.

Click here if you would like to complete the survey online before 14 December.

To complete the survey over the phone, please contact us on 1800 732 761.

It will take 5-10 minutes to complete, and we thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.

We value local knowledge to inform our decisions – it helps us mitigate impacts and identify ways to create long-term community benefit.

Feedback from our previous survey (conducted in August – September) found most people reported that email, electronic newsletters and the Inland Rail website are their preferred method for future contact with Inland Rail. Some survey participants also advised they wish to provide their feedback via telephone, and we also heard that people would like more opportunities to interact face-to-face with our project teams.

As the environmental approvals and detailed design phases for each project progress, our project teams have been listening to landowners and stakeholders and using feedback to help refine designs to mitigate impacts.

Here are some examples of positive design outcomes resulting from feedback:

We continue to actively engage and listen to community feedback across the Inland Rail alignment through various contact points. These include community events, information sessions, individual discussions, Community Consultative Committee meetings, industry briefings and our online interactive project maps.

Thank you to everyone who has completed our previous surveys.

We ask current email recipients to please complete the survey anytime between 14 November and 14 December 2022.

You are also welcome to direct feedback or questions to us at any time by visiting one of our offices, via email (, or phone 1800 732 761. Thank you for your valued feedback!

November 2, 2022

The whole program News
