Glenrowan student artwork transforms construction site
The Inland Rail construction site in Glenrowan is being transformed into a canvas for student artwork.
February 15, 2023

Site hoarding that will wrap the project site barrier fencing in the centre of Glenrowan for the duration of construction work, will feature local student artworks depicting a range of themes including the new Beaconsfield Parade bridge, trains and of course bushranger Ned Kelly.
Glenrowan Acting Principal Carly Duncombe said:
‘The Glenrowan Primary School students took great pride in their creative pursuits, and were excited to see their efforts transformed into such a visible part of the project branding.
‘To have the children so actively involved in the project, shows how important the relationship between the school and ARTC / McConnell Dowell.
ARTC SA/Vic Projects General Manager Ed Walker said it was great the local primary children were able to see their artwork at the worksite.
‘They’ll have a connection to the project as they watch the new bridge be built over the coming year,’ he said.
McConnell Dowell Project Manager Tom Foley said:
‘The artwork is a really fitting tribute to the local area and the people who make Glenrowan such a special and inviting place to be.
‘I am proud to say that we have formed a great relationship with Glenrowan Primary School already and look forward to this developing even further during construction.’
Glenrowan students were also invited to take part in the sod turn event in early February to mark the start of construction of Inland Rail in Victoria.
TOP: Images of the site hoarding adorned with student artwork.
BELOW: Glenrowan Primary School students took part in the official sod turn event to mark the start of construction of Inland Rail in Victoria.