Macintyre flood model update

Earlier this year, Inland Rail CEO Richard Wankmuller and members of our leadership and project management teams met with representatives of Goondiwindi Regional Council, Moree Plains Shire Council, local flood specialists and concerned landowners about the Macintyre flood model and proposed crossing solution.

Aerial view of Greenfield study area, Macintyre River near Boggabilla, New South Wales.

Following this meeting, we received 52 additional questions about the proposed design. We’ve almost completed work to address these requests for additional modelling and design work and we expect to report

We have also shared the findings of the Macintyre River flood model independent review completed by BMT Group with the above stakeholders. BMT concluded the Macintyre River flood model is ‘fit for purpose’ and is suitable to use as a design tool for the Macintyre crossing solution.

BMT’s report will be made publicly available with the release of the EIS.

Feedback from the community and key stakeholders has helped us inform and refine the Macintyre flood model and crossing solution. We will continue to work closely with the community as we move into the next phase of the project.
