
We’re committed to working with property owners and stakeholders in communities along the project alignment to receive their feedback as we progress our planning.

Since the Focused Area of Investigation was identified, we’ve been meeting with local communities, landowners and stakeholders who may experience impacts associated with Inland Rail to discuss next steps.

In June 2021 we shared our findings, discussed potential impacts and proposed mitigations of our proposed reference design with local communities. We’ve received a lot of valuable feedback to date and will continue to gather feedback as part of the project approvals processes.

As a result of community consultation, the proposed reference design offers improved environmental and cultural outcomes such as reducing the impact on established vegetation, including threatened ecological communities, and preserving and protecting an identified scar tree. There are also improved safety benefits from the design with a road realignment creating a grade separation, upgrades to a current level crossing and removing the need for an additional level crossing.

We’ve also addressed flooding concerns through a detailed hydrology study that has had vast community input. 

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) public exhibition concluded on 26 October 2022. Since the EIS exhibition, Inland Rail’s conducted further investigations and prepared a Response to Submissions report which can be viewed on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website. In responding to issues raised by community members and State government agencies, we’ve made some minor changes to the project footprint, including repositioning proposed works compounds and reducing planned work zones.

Inland Rail will continue to consult with the community and stakeholders throughout detailed design and construction.

Consultation events


There are currently no upcoming consultation events.

Bethungra drop-in session

We visited the Bethungra community to share an update on the project and seek feedback on our finalised reference design for the Illabo to Stockinbingal project. 

Hear what some of the community have to say about Inland Rail coming to Bethungra.

Your consultative committee

A Community Consultative Committee (CCC) has been established for local communities in the Illabo to Stockinbingal area.

This CCC provides a forum to share project information, discuss topics of interest, and address any issues or community concerns. Importantly, it also provides an opportunity for community representatives to share their knowledge and experience on key issues with the Inland Rail team.

Illabo to Stockinbingal CCC      Learn more about CCCs