Planning approval documents
Inland Rail has now received all primary environmental approvals from the NSW and Australian governments to progress the Narromine to Narrabri section.
We have developed a range of documents for managing the design and construction of the Narromine to Narrabri project.
NSW Government approval
On 21 February 2023, the NSW Government approved the Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) application for the Narromine to Narrabri section under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Please go to the NSW Government’s Major Projects website to view the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The following documents support the EIS process:
Statutory approvals
- Planning Secretary’s Assessment Report
- Instrument of Approval (Minister’s Conditions of Approval)
- Notice of Decision
- Approval of Five Clawed Worm Skink Species Management Plan
- Approval of Plan Strategy or Study – Biodiversity Offset Variation Request
- Narromine to Narrabri Condition A35 – Approval of Environmental Representatives letter from DPE
- Narromine to Narrabri Condition A39 – Approval of Acoustics Advisor letter from DPE
- Narromine to Narrabri Condition A44 – Approval of Social Advisor letter from DPE
- Narromine to Narrabri Condition B2 and B6 – Approval of Communication Strategy letter from DPE
- Narromine to Narrabri Condition B12 – Approval of Community Complaints Mediators letter from DPE
Management plans, strategies and programs
- Communication strategy – Narromine to Narrabri – Low impact works
- Five-clawed Worm Skink Management Plan
- Unexpected and Incidental Finds Procedure
- Narromine to Narrabri Condition E129 – Workforce Code of Conduct
Australian Government approval
Following NSW Government approval in February 2023, the N2N project was assessed by the Australian Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The project was approved by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on 31 January 2024.
The approval includes strict conditions to manage and report on outcomes for matters of national environmental significance and the environment.
To support this our work will involve further research, field studies and consultation with NSW and Australian government agencies.
To view the notification of approval and list of conditions please visit the EPBC Act Public Portal.
Narwonah Material Distribution Centre planning approval documents
A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Narwonah Material Distribution Centre was developed to document the likely impacts of the proposal on the environment and detail the safeguards and management measures to be implemented during the project’s detailed design, construction and operation.
It was on public display during May 2022. During this time the community had the opportunity to make a submission about the project to Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) as part of its assessment of the project.
The REF for the Narwonah Material Distribution Centre was approved in June 2022 and construction is now underway.
Narwonah Material Distribution Centre Review of Environmental Factors
View the full Narwonah Material Distribution Centre REF documents below.
- Narwonah Material Distribution Centre – Supplementary REF – Shunt Neck Works
- Narwonah Material Distribution Centre – Supplementary REF – Shunt Neck Works Decision Report
- Narwonah Material Distribution Centre REF
- Narwonah Material Distribution Centre REF – Appendices
- Narwonah Material Distribution Centre REF – Decision Report
- Narwonah Material Distribution Centre REF – Response to Submissions